Have you ever woken up and felt something wasn’t right? After going through your day, you still feel something is off…You decide that perhaps a visit to the doctor will give you the answer, but the first doctor tells you, nothing is wrong. You quietly leave the office and tell yourself, “maybe I will feel better soon”, however, you don’t, frustrated, you try again and on, and on, it goes, until finally the latest doctor tells you, “It’s all in your head, I can’t find anything wrong, but I will prescribe medication to help you feel less anxious!”
Dr. Huggins wrote his groundbreaking book “It’s All in Your Head”, almost 40 years ago. At that time there wasn’t the mountain of research that is now available linking the mouth to whole- body health. Moreover, he most definitely didn’t have any access to the internet for investigating this topic…What was available to Dr. Huggins, was his sheer determination to uncover why some of his patients would get better after certain dental procedures were done, while others did not.
He became a staunch fighter against the use of mercury dental amalgam after a chance encounter with Dr. Olympio Faissol Pinto, who educated him in the early 70’s on how mercury was poisoning his patients. Dr. Pinto became his mentor and from that moment on, Dr. Huggins never looked back, instead he went deeper into the proverbial rabbit hole and discovered, it’s not just mercury fillings, it’s root canals, metal crowns, implants, and so much more! Dr. Huggins had always kept meticulous records on his patients and would analyze each one with a fine-tooth comb! Because of this, he was able to re-analyze cases and discovered that the majority of diseases do actually start in the mouth.
Like the pioneers and visionaries before him, such as Dr. William Hunter, Dr. Frank Billings, Dr. Edwin Rosenow, Dr. Weston Price, and eventually Dr. Huggins, himself, all were vilified! And like his peers, he never ceased in his work to improve dentistry. He called himself the “Dragon Slayer” and he never left the battle field. Much of his early work, like those before him was based on clinical observations, and like his forefathers, he wondered how many cases can you call anecdotal before it becomes a scientific fact?
His inquisitive mind never stopped looking for answers or creating “new ways”, to do dentistry. He pushed all boundaries in conventional dentistry and raised the bar of what true biological dentistry should be.
He brought forth new innovations, such as the “Rita Meter”, which tells the dentist which mercury fillings should be removed in the safest sequential order. He developed a negative ion generator that protects not only the patient, but the dental workers when removing mercury fillings. He was a prolific writer, author, poet, musician, and researcher.
His work on patients with multiple sclerosis is legendary. That was just one of the diseases, he found had a link to dentistry and he continued to link other diseases, as well, to various dental procedures and materials. He created Biocomp Laboratories, Huggins Applied Healing, and Dental DNA which is now called, “DNA ConneXions®”.
Dr. Huggins passed the torch and his businesses to Dr. Blanche Grube. She is continuing his legacy and the businesses are continuing to grow and thrive.
Science and research has finally caught up with the truth. Papers are being published on dental procedures and materials, proving the oral health and whole-body connection. Fast forward to the 21st Century, and what Dr. Huggins and his predecessors have known for almost 100 years – It’s All In Your Head!
“It’s All In Your Head”
Available for purchase at Huggins Applied Healing