Mercury-free dentistry is a growing trend in the dental industry that focuses on the elimination of mercury-containing fillings and other materials.
For decades, dental fillings were made up of a combination of mercury, silver, zinc, copper, and tin, and have been linked to health issues such as neurological problems, immune system issues, and autoimmune diseases.
With the rise of health concerns and research into the negative effects of mercury in dental fillings, mercury-free dentistry is slowly becoming the preferred method of care. Dentists are now utilizing more biocompatible materials such as composite resin and ceramic to ensure maximum safety and health for their patients. Mercury-free dentistry also focuses on preventative care and offers a more holistic approach to dental health. This article will discuss the importance of mercury-free dentistry and how it can benefit both patients and dentists.
What is Mercury Free Dentistry?
Mercury-free dentistry is the use of dental materials that do not contain mercury. Although only a few studies have proven that mercury-free dentistry provides better clinical outcomes than traditional mercury-containing dental materials, the studies are significant. The American Dental Association (ADA) defines mercury-free dentistry as the use of dental materials that do not contain mercury or other materials that may release toxic substances into the oral cavity. The ADA does not recommend the removal of mercury dental fillings from people without symptoms of mercury poisoning, such as neurological disorders.
Benefits of Mercury-Free Dentistry for Patients
The primary benefit of mercury-free dentistry for patients is health. Mercury is known to be highly toxic and hazardous to human health. In fact, many dentists who offer mercury-free dentistry specialize in helping patients’ detox from mercury and other heavy metals. Mercury-free dentistry is also beneficial for people with dental allergies and those who want a more esthetic dental restoration. Patients with allergies to metals are less likely to have them inadvertently placed in their mouths, if they are in a mercury free office.
If you are looking for a mercury-free dentist, expect to be asked why you want this type of treatment. In many cases, mercury-free dentistry is an esthetic decision, such as choosing a tooth-colored filling over a silver-colored filling. Mercury-free dentistry is also beneficial for those who are conscious of their environmental footprint. Dental offices are the largest contributors to mercury in our environment.
Benefits of Mercury Free Dentistry for Dentists
As dental professionals become more aware of the negative effects of mercury, they are going mercury free. The benefits of mercury-free dentistry for dentists include reduced liability, increased patient retention, improved patient satisfaction and improvements in their own health.
The use of mercury, especially in dental amalgams, has been the subject of much controversy and legal action, with plaintiffs claiming injury from mercury released from mercury dental fillings. Well educated patients may also be less likely to switch dentists if they are assured of a mercury-free environment. Keep in mind that mercury-free dental materials are slightly more expensive than traditional materials when first inserted but because they maintain the integrity of the tooth better, they are less expensive in the long run.
Dangers of Mercury-containing Fillings
Mercury is extremely toxic, and there has been much controversy around the use of mercury-containing dental fillings. Mercury has been linked to numerous health issues, including neurological problems, immune system issues, and autoimmune diseases. Mercury is a heavy metal, and the body is not very efficient at excreting it. The human body can only excrete approximately 30 micrograms per day.
Dental amalgams are the most common type of mercury-containing dental filling. When a dental amalgam is placed in a person’s mouth, it releases mercury vapor. That vapor passes directly through the palate and travels into the brain. While chewing on an amalgam filling, elemental mercury travels down into the stomach and to the rest of the gastrointestinal tract. The American Dental Association suggests that people with mercury dental fillings be monitored for health issues.
Alternatives to Mercury-containing Fillings
There are several alternatives to mercury-containing dental fillings. Some dentists offer biocompatible materials, including resin-based dental fillings, dental composites, and ceramics. Resin-based dental fillings are the most common alternative to mercury-containing dental fillings. Resin-based dental fillings have a longer life expectancy because they bond to the walls of the tooth and are resistant to expansion and fracture as seen with amalgam fillings. Dental composites are tooth-colored fillings that are often used to fill in small cavities and to repair chipped teeth. Biocompatible ceramics, are often used for larger cavities, crowns, and bridgework.
Mercury Free Dentistry Practices
Dentists who offer mercury-free dentistry have a number of options for mercury-free dental fillings and dental materials. Most are extensively trained eg: Certified IABDM dentists and offer mercury safe removal in-house, while others refer patients to a mercury-free dental specialist. Check out IABDM.org for the closest (in your state) dentist.
The Banning of Dental Mercury
Millions of people in the US are still getting mercury dental amalgam fillings on a daily basis even though many countries are banning its use.
Evidence-based scientific research have shown us that mercury is not safe. In fact, mercury dental amalgams were never clinically tested. Instead, they were “Grandfathered” in under the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) due to long-term usage. You will seldom if ever see a person drop dead after a dental appointment where amalgams were placed. That is because the toxic effects of mercury are cumulative. It takes years of having one or two fillings inserted each year or several fillings placed in the mouth at once remaining for years, in order for the person to begin to notice it’s detrimental efects on the body.
The FDA says mercury from dental amalgam can bioaccumulate in bodily fluids, tissues, kidneys, and the brain. Mercury dental amalgams have been linked to various diseases including, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, and arthritis.
The latest significant findings on human exposure to mercury dental amalgam using the “Gold Standard” National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database, may finally be the catalyst that will achieve the goal and “Make Mercury History” in the dental sector. The NHANES study has shown that mercury dental amalgams have been linked to various diseases including, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, and arthritis.
What Can You Do?
Get tested for mercury toxicity/poisoning and talk to your dentist about mercury-free restoration options.
DNA ConneXions®, Biocomp Labs, and Huggins-Applied Healing work in concert to support patients who want to avoid the use of toxic materials, such as mercury, as well as the safe removal of dental amalgams. Read on to learn how.
Everyone has two copies of the ApoE gene and the genetic combination determines your ApoE genotype. The DNA ConneXions® genotypic Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) Test determines an individual’s ability to detoxify mercury as well as their propensity to develop Alzheimer’s and other autoimmune/neurological conditions.
The Biocomp Labs Serum Biocompatibility test measures your individual and specific immune system response to 9500+ dental products utilizing our blood serum protein agglutination assay. This test indicates which dental materials are Highly Reactive, Moderately Reactive, or Least Reactive to your specific body.
Huggins Applied Healing continues the legacy of Dr. Hal Huggins by providing valuable information so that consumers and medical professionals can learn about biological dentistry and why it is the foundation of whole-body health.
The Huggins-Grube Protocol is an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery. The foundation of the Huggins-Grube Protocol is the “Full Dental Revision”. A Full Dental Revision consists of the removal of all toxic materials from the mouth and restoring the mouth as holistically as possible, using biocompatible materials.
If you would like help locating a dental practitioner who uses The Huggins-Grube Protocol and Full Dental Revision for safe mercury removal, please contact Huggins Applied Healing – at info@drhuggins.com.
1). Tibau AV, Grube BD. Alarming Findings on Mercury Dental Amalgam- Latest Research Using the NHANES Database: A Mini-Review. (2022) https://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/alarming-findings-on-mercury-dental-amalgam–latest-research-using-the-national-health-and-nutrition-examination-survey-nhanes-dat-2411.pdf
2). Tibau AV, Grube BD. Biocompatibility in Dentistry: A Mini Review. (2021) https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d717/6434a0c7145331d69b1ff165296c0fcc149f.pdf
3). Tibau AV, Grube BD. Mercury Contamination from Dental Amalgam. (2019) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6555253/