Biological Periodontics
October 21 – 24, 2021
Charleston, SC
Dr. Blanche D. Grube Presenting
“The Microbiology the You Must Know”
$450 per person; 8 hours of CE available
Learn more about biological periodontal care with this October at the
gorgeous Harborside at Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina in Charleston, SC.
Learn more and register at IABDM.com
The Microbiology That You Must Know
Presenter: Blanche Grube, DMD
Integrative doctors have long known that periodontal disease isn’t limited to the destruction of the connective tissue and bones of the mandible and maxilla. Conventional doctors and researchers are now catching up with the understanding that the very same microorganisms that cause periodontal disease also cause chronic inflammation, which leads to coronary and vascular dysfunction, cancer, diabetes, cognitive disorders, respiratory issues, and death. Not only is it important to know what kind of microbes are infesting your patients’ bodies; you need to know what to do about it. So Dr. Grube will also compare conventional with biological treatment.
Dr. Blanche Grube is one of the leading biological dentists within the IABDM family, holding a DMD from Rutgers School of Dental Medicine and a doctorate in integrative medicine from Capital University. Mentored by Dr. Hal Huggins, Dr. Grube worked with him on an elaboration of his original protocol, now known as the Huggins-Grube Protocol. Before his death, Dr. Huggins passed the torch to her, and she continues to advance biological dentistry through the Huggins-Grube Institute. An international speaker, Dr. Grube is committed to the education of dental and medical professionals, as well as consumers. She is a long-standing member of the IABDM, with whom she holds a Mastership, and holds fellowships in several other dental organizations. She is the CEO of DNA Connexions, Huggins Applied Healing, and Biocomp Laboratories, all based in Colorado Springs. She has recently published several papers on biological dentistry, and her book Chew on This, but Don’t Swallow is forthcoming.