Vitamin C is an essential supplement for human health and a vital part of the Huggins-Grube Protocol. Vitamin C is no longer made inside the human body due to a genetic mutation that happened millions of years ago, which is why humans must get vitamin C through dietary sources or supplements. Scurvy was the name given to sailors whom were found to be deficient of vitamin C. Their symptoms were swollen and bleeding gums, loose teeth, poor wound healing. Scurvy was the leading cause of death to sailors from the 16th through the 18th centuries. After hundreds of years, vitamin C was seriously being studied.
Dr. Hal Huggins was a proponent of vitamin C due to the research he did on the subject, especially researching the work of Dr. Linus Pauling. It was in the 1970’s that two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, coined the term “Orthomolecular” medicine, describing it as medicine that treats and prevents diseases, by utilizing optimal amounts of substances natural to the body. During this same time, he took an interest in vitamin C and published the best seller, “Vitamin C and the Common Cold (1970)”, which introduced taking megadose’s of vitamin C to help fight the common cold and other diseases.
Pauling and his colleague, Scottish physician Ewan Cameron, did a clinical study using vitamin C on cancer patients, treating 100 terminally ill patients with megadose’s of intravenous vitamin C and oral vitamin C due to their deficiency of vitamin C. Their controls consisted of 1000 similarly treated patients, but did not receive vitamin C as part of their treatment protocol. They found that the patients who were given the high-dose of vitamin C, survived more than 4.2 times longer than the controls.

The Mayo Clinic clinical trials, under the direction of Charles Moertel, didn’t show any positive effects of vitamin C in their two published papers, and the general population believed the Mayo Clinic research and rebuked the work of Cameron and Pauling. After careful examination of both clinical trials, it was discovered that the Mayo Clinic trials stopped the vitamin C, if they saw tumor progression in the patient, and then proceeded to give chemotherapy. This shortened the length of time that the vitamin C protocol was given to about 2.5 months, while Pauling and Cameron treated patients with vitamin C for the entire research period or as long as 12 years. The other critical difference is that the Mayo Clinic only gave 10 g of oral vitamin C, while Cameron and Pauling gave IV and oral vitamin C, and this was extremely significant to the success of the treatment giving the IV doses. These major omissions has slowed the progress of this therapy, however, now it is reemerging with tremendous force.
As a side note, Charles Mayo the son of the founder of the Mayo Clinic, had published an article in 1922, titled “Focal Infection of Dental Origin”, he remarked that he himself had pulled teeth, because he felt by removing infected teeth, the patient would be cured. He noted that in fact, it cured the patients of things they didn’t know that were due to the infections in the mouth. Charles Mayo was adamant that oral bacteria was causing disease and his recommendation was that the dentist needs to have a good foundation in medicine and anatomy, because in the mouth will be found the evidence of more diseases than any other area of the body. The evidence will present in the form of nutritional changes, and infections around the gums, teeth, and the tonsils. Mayo also lamented that, “There is no use of trying to better the practice of dentistry and have persons go into it without any idea of it except the mechanical side.”
IV vitamin C is a critical part of the Huggins – Grube Protocol to boost the immune system during dental treatments. Dr. Huggins knew that in order to provide his patients with optimum treatments to enhance the immune system, he gave IV vitamin C during full dental revisions. It is one of the key elements of the Huggins-Grube Protocol. Emerging science is very clear on the benefits of vitamin C, whether it be oral doses or IV’s. It is now being used to treat many diseases as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with other conventional and integrative therapies. These diseases include: pancreatic, liver, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer, sarcoma and malignant mesothelioma. It has also been observed that vitamin C provides valuable positive effects through more than one mechanism, some are linked to the metabolism of transformed cells, and others may involve direct interactions with specific drugs.
Due to the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, both old and new studies show that it is a safe and effective treatment for viruses. In fact, in 1935 an in vitro and in vivo study was conducted on rhesus monkeys to see if vitamin C would be successful treatment for the poliomyelitis virus, due to its positive ability to inactivate diphtheria toxins in vitro and in vivo. Using 30 rhesus monkeys and 5 controls, under rigorous conditions of testing and documented symptoms being noted, they found that even very small amounts of vitamin C, rendered the monkeys non-infectious.
More recently several studies on mosquito born viruses, such as Zika and chikungunya were treated successfully using IV vitamin C with results being published in the scientific literature. Today, doctors in China are using high-doses of IV vitamin C to treat COVID-19. A dangerous component of COVID-19 is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). IV vitamin C has been used to treat acute sepsis, and found that it is also treats viral infections without serious side effects. Several small studies using high dose vitamin C on COVID patients are presenting positive results. Other studies have shown positive outcomes using vitamin C to treat viruses, such as poliovirus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, human lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and rabies virus, in addition to demonstrating activity against influenza and herpes virus.
With all of the research that has been done on vitamin C, both orally and IV’s, its ability to help improve and maintain health it is a cost-effective therapy that can be a potential lifesaving treatment.
We invite you to read this recently published paper, “From COVID to Cancer, Is Vitamin C the Answer?” by Dr. Blanche Grube and Anita Vazquez Tibau on the efficacy of Vitamin C when used to support illness and disease.