Who makes your hormones HUM?

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Who makes your hormones HUM?

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Who makes your hormones HUM??? (softcover)

Dr. Melvin Page first recognized that the balance between your hormone action resulted in resistance to, or susceptibility to, dental decay and other degenerative diseases. This led to ways to determine hormone function.

Weight 0.75 oz
Dimensions 5 × 6 × 1 in

Who makes your hormones HUM??? (softcover)

Dr. Melvin Page first recognized that the balance between your hormone action resulted in resistance to, or susceptibility to, dental decay and other degenerative diseases. This led to ways to determine hormone function. This further led to the discovery of why some people get along, why others do not, and who you marry. In the 35 years since my introduction to the concept, I have been able to expand these observations to include a whole raft of human personal interactions in which you can predict a person’s response just by looking at their body form.

Love at first sight? That’s Mother Nature assuring herself that Mankind will continue to improve the quality of its life. Who you like, don’t like, can’t stand, love, marry, divorce, hate and cherish are all determined by the activity of your hormones relative to those of the opposite sex whom you are facing.

If hyperthyroid males mate with hypothyroid females, the children will be less hyper and less hypo, therefore better balanced. When hormones are better balanced, people have better resistance to disease and are in relatively good humor most of the time. That is Mother Nature’s objective.

Of course, thyroid is only one of the many hormones. You must match with estrogen, testosterone, pituitary, insulin and a bunch more if you are going to “feel” love at first sight. Equal and opposite is the attraction force. You do not have a choice in mate selection. It’s who makes your hormones hum that makes that determination.

Conversely, if two hyperthyroid people produce children, the children will be more susceptible to disease and early death. Mama Nature does not like that, so, instantly, those two people don’t like each other. Reason? None apparent. They just really dislike each other. It is mutual, so sparks are going to fly, but not the type that produce offspring.

Not just marriage, but business encounters respond to the same hormonal attraction – opposition feelings. A hyper any gland person is not going to have a successful sale to another hyper of the same gland person of the opposite sex. Save both of yourselves some grief, and refer that person to another sales representative.

What job are you best suited for? What clothes do you prefer? Why are you insecure, secure?

This book answers important questions about problems that people have in marriage. Is it right to squeeze the toothpaste tube from bottom up, or top down? Should the toilet paper roll over the top, or from the bottom? Surprisingly enough, these problems do have answers. These answers are related to your endocrine function.

Opposite endocrine function attracts for Mother Nature’s purpose, but it creates friction amount mates who do not understand their other’s reasoning for their decisions. This is part of life. Finding out how the other person’s mind works – and why. When you understand that it is the opposite endocrine function that produces these odd answers to simple questions to you, you can have a much more “harmonious” relationship. You will have achieved understanding. A form of happy enlightenment. Your hormones will hum.

How can you tell? It’s easy when you know where to look and what to look for. Deposition of muscle and fat, hair patterns of growth and bone growth are all under endocrine influence. As an architect can look at a building and draw its blueprint, so you can learn to look at a person and, at a glance, draw their endocrine patterns in your mind. You can then adapt your conversation toward what will be most acceptable to that person. Life is far smoother when you are “speaking the language of acceptance” rather than unknowingly saying something offensive to them while it is perfectly acceptable to you.